
Family and specially Mother is the first learning institution for a child, mother raise the kid into a good person. Environment at home is the basic and most important factor, which reshapes the children and helps in moulding a child into better Muslim. It is the utter responsibility of parents to deliver Islamic teachings and moral values in their Childs and install the basics things in order to fulfil the obligation of Islam later.

Parents should spend their most of the time on their children, it will become assets for parents, which they are investing are they will be returned to them with the maximum profit. Maintaining and establishing a good Islamic environment at home will put positive impact on the member of the family.


Some Basic points to Create Islamic Environment at Home

Children are sent to the outer environment and he or she adopts every single habit either good or bad that comes in their way or whatever they see frequently. Following are few tips that can help parents in nurturing the Islamic environment at home easily and it also helps in building better character of their kids according to Islam.


* Telling Hadith daily to child

Make it your habit of telling a daily Hadith to your child because it will make them familiar of Islamic narrations and the sunnah of our beloved Prophet (PBUH). Hadith is actually the sayings or deeds of our Prophet (PBUH), Hadiths are collected and compiled by authentic and religious scholars, which are real reflections of Islamic teachings. Telling daily Hadith will create awareness of Islam and Islamic teachings in the minds of your child.


Make it Habit to Pray namaz in Congregation

Congregational prayers are important for instilling sense of sharing in Muslim who participates. Congregational prayers increase love and sense of brotherhood and it’s a significant part to strengthen the Islamic teachings among kids ALLAH made Friday the greatest among all days. Parents should made Punishment rule for those who skip or show laziness towards obligations of Islam, and they should indicate or warn their Childs they will face the punishment in Akhirah if they willingly miss a single namaz.


Habit of Recitation Quran Everyday

Holy Quran is a complete code of life which entails solutions to every single problem. It is a definite and complete legislation, which has revealed as an eternal and the final revelation for the guidance of all the humans.


Make a Islamic Library in Home

Books are the foremost and fundamental portals towards imparting education. So make an Islamic library in your home that holds entire collection of authentic books of Hadiths and Sacred narrations that will help to increase the knowledge about every obligation, aspect and rituals related to Islam.


Keep an eye on your Kids

It’s a technological era and it has glittery attractions that deviates kid from following the righteous path. It is necessary to keep deep eye on your child. Check what they are watching on devices and also their activities. Check what kind of friends they have and with whom they spend much of their time etc.

Make your child perfect with the Islamic teaching.

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