What is Maqam-e-Ibraheem
Situated near the Holy Kaaba, Maqam-e-Ibraheem is an extremely sacred place for the Muslims of all around the world. This sacred place has a unique historical importance because of its relation with the construction of the House of ALLAH Almighty that is Holy kaaba. Muslims from all around the world visit this sacred place while performing the Holy Pilgrimage Hajj and Umrah of kaaba, offer prayers and seek forgiveness of ALLAH Almighty.
History of Maqam-e-Ibraheem
A large stone block i.e. Hajr-e-Aswad on which Prophet Ibraheem (PBUH) stood while He was constructing the Holy Kaaba. Sent from the Jannat (heaven), helping the Prophet Ibraheem (AS) to build the walls of Holy Kaaba with the assistance of his son Prophet Ismaeel (AS). After the completion of Holy Kaaba, the stone was left besides the house of ALLAH the Holy Kaaba on its Eastern side and remained there till the times of Hazrat Umar (RA), the second caliphate of Muslims, when it was moved a bit away, towards the front of Kaaba (present location), as it was obstructing the performance of ‘Tawaaf’ or circumambulation during Hajj. An astonishing feature about this black stone is that even after hundreds of years, the footprints of Prophet Ibraheem (AS) are fresh, identifiable and visible, one of the miracles of Prophet Ibraheem (AS) and a signs of the oneness of ALLAH Almighty, when Hazrat Ibraheem (AS) stood on rock, it becomes soft and His feet dived into rock results in making impression of His feet on rock and still that impression is on that rock.
In the Holy Quran
in the Holy Quran, verse 2:125, ALLAH Almighty says:
“And [mention] when We made the House a place of return for the people and [a place of] security. And take, [O believers], from the standing place of Abraham a place of prayer. And We charged Abraham and Ishmael, [saying], “Purify My House for those who perform Tawaf and those who are staying [there] for worship and those who bow and prostrate [in prayer].”
This above verse clearly signifies the holiness of Maqam-e-Ibraheem being declared a place for namaz (prayer) for the Muslims from all around the world. It is obligatory for the Muslims, who visit Holy Kaaba for the performance of Hajj or Umrah, to offer two rakah namaz (prayers) behind Maqam-e-Ibraheem after the performance of their circumambulation or tawaf, an explicit importance of the Maqam-e-Ibraheem.
Holy Quran also highlights the modesty and humbleness of Prophet Ibraheem (AS) and his son Prophet Ismaeel (AS) who constantly prayed to ALLAH for the acceptance of their gracious and noble act, as said in verse 2:127 of Holy Quran,
“And [mention] when Abraham was raising the foundations of the House and [with him] Ishmael, [saying], “Our Lord, accept [this] from us. Indeed You are the Hearing, the Knowing.” is one of the authorized umrah tour operators in UK offers Cheap 2016 Hajj Packages from UK
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on8th April 2016 at 2:16 pm says: