In general Hajj means ‘going towards a place’, but in the Islamic terminology, Hajj refers to the holy pilgrimage towards the Makkah undertaken by the Muslims all around the world in order to perform prescribed religious rituals and rites. On the other side, term Umrah means ‘to visit a populated place’ and in Islamic terminology it means going makkah for performing Umrah and for fulfilling your dreams you can get the best Umrah Packages 2017 with CheapUmrahPackage.net.
The rites and rituals of Umrah and Hajj were first set by ALLAH Almighty during the time of the Hazrat Ibraheem (AS) and ALLAH Almighty gave Him the task to construct the Holy Kaaba along with His son Hazrat Ismaeel (AS). However, as the time passes, both the pattern of the Hajj and Umrah rites were altered by them. As idolatry was on peak and spread all over Arabia, Holy Kaaba began to lose the holiness and sanctity and the idolaters covered the walls of Holy Kaaba with paintings and poems. Initially, during the period of Umrah and Hajj, sacrifices were also done in the name of God. The bloods of the animals were poured on the walls of Holy Kaaba and the fleshes of animals were hanged. Idolaters arranged poetry competitions there and the poets would praise the splendour and bravery of the warriors and wars.
Then to restore the sanctity of Holy Kaaba a series of teachings of the Hazrat Ibraheem (AS) and their forefathers was taught to the pilgrims and devotees who came for the intention of performing Hajj. Then time comes when actual message of ‘true monotheism’ or Tawheed spread in Arabia, which Hazrat Ibraheem (AS) also spread and the laws of ALLAH Almighty was established. Once again Holy Kaaba became the sacred and pure holy center of worshipping the one True God ALLAH Almighty.
Our beloved Prophet (PBUH), smashes idol and not only frees Holy Kaaba from all the impurities, but also reinstated all the actual rites of Hajj with permission of ALLAH Almighty. Competitions of poetry etc and animal sacrifices and blood poured on walls of Holy Kaaba were stopped because it made clear to all that it’s not the meat, flesh or the blood that pleases ALLAH Almighty, but the intention, Taqwaa or prayer, worships reaches Him. The blessings of the Hajj and Umrah are endless for all Muslims. It is the act of worship which purifies the soul, the spirit of the Muslim. The immense credit of the Hajj and Umrah, drag the Muslims from many different corners of the globe to the Harram Shareef. The makkah is the most sacred for the Muslims, and it is a dream of every Muslim to visit their and perform Hajj and Umrah to earn the uncountable bounties of pilgrimage.
Cheapumrahpackage.net is one of the authorized Hajj and Umrah travel agent based in UK offers a range of Cheap Hajj Packages 2017 from UK.